Outright Lies, Constant Tweets & "Alternative Facts": Inside Trump's Orwellian War with the Media
- Submitted by: Love Knowledge
- Category: Media
We turn now to look at President Trump, the media and what the new administration calls "alternative facts." On Saturday, in his first full day in office, Trump visited CIA headquarters. Speaking in front of the CIA Memorial Wall, he told the agency he had a running war with the media. Hours later, Trump then ordered his new press secretary, Sean Spicer, to hold an emergency press briefing to claim, "This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe." Then, on Sunday, Trump’s adviser, Kellyanne Conway, defended Spicer’s demonstrably false statement by saying he "gave alternative facts." We speak to filmmaker Brian Knappenberger, director of "Nobody Speak: Trials of the Free Press," and Mark Hertsgaard, investigative editor at The Nation magazine and author of seven books, including "On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency."
Read more http://www.democracynow.org/2017/1/24/outright_lies_constant_tweets_alternative_facts
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