Why Isn’t the Mainstream Media Honest about US Torture?
- Submitted by: Love Knowledge
- Category: Media
The post Why Isn’t the Mainstream Media Honest about US Torture? appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.
On Monday, August 7, The Washington Post ran a story with the headline Judge orders CIA interrogation lawsuit to trial. It details the upcoming civil trial of two CIA-contract psychologists who were paid $81 million to design and implement the CIA program that became ubiquitously referred to as “enhanced interrogation.” The story itself was interesting and informative on a number of points. But what was perhaps less noticeable was the way the author tiptoed around actually referring to it as a torture program — except when referencing the plaintiff’s accusations.
In 2017, with two presidential administrations between today and the program’s inception, why is it so difficult to use plain and straightforward language — that this was torture and a violation of international law?
“Enhanced” sounds like a product update, hardly pejorative. Yet the article does use clear language to describe the actual methods used: “stuffing detainees into small boxes, slamming them against walls and waterboarding them.”
Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from waterboarding (Mike Licht / Flickr – CC BY 2.0).
Read more https://whowhatwhy.org/2017/08/17/isnt-mainstream-media-honest-us-torture/
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