Love Knowledge is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on your support to be able to sustain and grow our online platform. All donations are tax-deductible.
To make a one-time donation, please use the PayPal button above.
To make a yearly recurring payment at either the Activist ($10), Supporter ($20), or Sustainer ($50) level, please use the PayPal button above.
Other Ways To Get Involved
Love Knowledge is a grassroots effort and wishes to remain free from corporate sponsorship and special interest influence. If you cannot give a financial contribution, consider the variety of other ways to help out.
- we are looking for volunteers to help us with the many tasks of building our platform. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about how you can volunteer for our organization.
- spreading the word about our website and organization is of tremendous help. To facilitate this grassroots effort, we are relying on you to help us get the word out that we're trying to organize all those looking to make positive change in this world. Please share our articles and website far and wide!
- become active in our online community. Share articles, start and join in on discussions, create user groups for your interests, start a blog, you name it. There are many avenues to share your thoughts and opinions here and we encourage them all!
- write articles for Love Knowledge. We are always looking for great writers and thinkers to share their knowledge and experience here so don't be shy if you've got something to say!
- suggest ideas and feedback about our website so we can improve it. We look at this as a communal effort so we want to hear your ideas and make our platform work best for all.
- donate other items, such as books or journals. In theory any item of value would be helpful but educational materials would be more directly useful. Contact us for shipping information.