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Rep. Lieu: The White House Lying & Stifling Dissent on Yemen Raid is Step Toward Authoritarianism

Trump’s White House has warned journalists and lawmakers against criticizing a botched raid by U.S. commandos on a Yemeni village last month that left 25 civilians and one U.S. soldier dead. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism reports the January 28 assault killed nine children under the age of 13, with five other children wounded. William "Ryan" Owens, a veteran member of SEAL Team 6, also died during the raid. The White House continues to claim the raid was a success. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has said that anyone who criticizes the raid should apologize to Owens’s family. For more, we speak with California Democratic Congressmember Ted Lieu.

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Last modified on Thursday, 16 February 2017 19:41

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