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Neocons, War Criminals & White Nationalists: Jeremy Scahill on Trump's Incoming Advisers & Cabinet

Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, examines the "team of rivals" Trump is considering for key appointments to his Cabinet, noting all of them have "ended up in direct conflict with President Obama over key issues that Trump and Pence have sort of touted." Trump has offered the national security adviser position to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who is well known for his anti-Muslim worldview, having called Islam a "cancer" and saying "fear of Muslims is rational." Kansas Congressmember Mike Pompeo, who opposed closing Guantánamo Bay prison, has been named as CIA director. Trump has also selected Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general. Sessions is a former prosecutor who was elected to the Senate in 1996, where he consistently supported anti-immigration legislation and has been a leading opponent of the Voting Rights Act.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 23 November 2016 00:05

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