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Allan Nairn Returns to East Timor on 25th Anniversary of Dili Massacre When U.S. Weapons Killed 270+

Saturday marks the 25th anniversary of the Santa Cruz massacre on November 12, 1991. Journalists Allan Nairn and Amy Goodman were there when Indonesian troops opened fire on a peaceful memorial procession at the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili. The soldiers were armed with U.S. M16s and killed more than 270 East Timorese. We go to East Timor to speak with investigative journalist Allan Nairn, who has returned to the scene of the massacre, where young people re-enacted what occurred. "There was crying, but it was like a celebration of power," Nairn notes, because the Timorese response to the attack sparked an international movement that led the U.S. to cut off military aid, and East Timor eventually won its independence. "People here are not underestimating their power. Americans, we shouldn’t underestimate ours, either."

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Last modified on Friday, 11 November 2016 18:47

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