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A Divided Nation: As Trump Wins Electoral College, Clinton Wins Popular Vote

John Nichols, political writer for The Nation, argues Donald Trump’s upset victory to win at least 270 Electoral College votes and become U.S. president is the result of an election process that does not reflect the popular will, as his rival Hillary Clinton appears set to win the popular vote. "America has a lousy, messed-up election system, and we count votes really slow," he notes. "What will turn out to be the reality … is that Hillary Clinton will actually beat Donald Trump by perhaps the largest margin that any loser beat a winner by in the popular vote. It will grow quite a bit." Nichols notes President Obama’s popular vote tally grew from 225,000 on election night to 5 million, and says he expects mass protests. His new article is titled "These Election Results Will Define America."

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Last modified on Thursday, 10 November 2016 21:33

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