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U.S. Foreign Policy for Sale? Behind the Trump Organization’s Vast Financial Network

A sweeping new investigation has raised questions about the little-known Trump Organization and potential conflicts of interest should Trump become president. The investigation published in Newsweek magazine reveals the Trump Organization is a vast financial network that stretches from New York City to India, Ukraine, China, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey and Russia. It’s connected to Russian mining, banking and real estate billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who himself is closely tied to the Russian government. Trump’s frequent praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin has already sparked concern among national security experts about U.S. foreign policy under a possible Trump presidency. The report concludes, "If Donald Trump wins this election and his company is not immediately shut down or forever severed from the Trump family, the foreign policy of the United States of America could well be for sale." We speak with Newsweek senior writer Kurt Eichenwald, author of the new article, "How the Trump Organization’s Foreign Business Ties Could Upend U.S. National Security."

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Last modified on Friday, 16 September 2016 20:29

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