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First Amendment: Freedom to Hate?

Free speech protests continue to pop up on campuses across the United States, and everyone is getting a say on the issue, even former President Barack Obama.

You may or may not yet feel strongly about this. No matter where you stand, though, now is the time to get some context. What is “harm,” and what kinds of speech should still be protected even if it is harmful? Time to ReConsider.

Sources and Links

Open letter from Yale professors in support of Erika Christakis Video of Yale professor getting cursed at Chapter II: On the Liberty of Thought and Discussion

ReConsider, by Xander Snyder and Erik Fogg, is a twice-per-month podcast in which we take on, in-depth, one pressing political issue facing western Democracies with a fresh, researched, and challenging perspective. We help listeners see the full context behind the issue and make up their own minds.

ReConsider Media is a syndicate of IVN.us. This podcast was originally published on ReConsider Media on December 15, 2016

This article was originally published on IVN.us a non-profit news platform for independent writers, and authored by ReConsider Media.

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Last modified on Thursday, 01 June 2017 20:28

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