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Anabel Hernández on the Death of Javier Valdez & Mexican Journalists Confronting a Surge in Violence

Since 2000, more than 100 journalists have been murdered in Mexico. A recent report by the International Institute for Strategic Studies says that Mexico endured the second most conflict deaths of any country in the world last year, with a staggering 23,000 people killed amid the country’s so-called war on drugs. Mexico was second only to Syria, where 50,000 people were killed in 2016 by the ongoing war. The third, fourth and fifth most dangerous countries were Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen. We speak with Mexican journalist Anabel Hernández, who has faced attacks and death threats for her reporting on the Mexican drug trade and has said, "A journalist who has to walk with bodyguards is an embarrassment for any nation."

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Last modified on Friday, 19 May 2017 14:28

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