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Chris Hedges: Trump Will Crush Dissent With Even Greater Violence and Savagery

Comments (4)

  1. Alex C

I've seen enough interview footage of Newt Gingrich to know that he's not stupid and not crazy, which makes him that much more scary. It's also scary to know that Chris Hedges was denied standing in federal court. That's something I need to read...

I've seen enough interview footage of Newt Gingrich to know that he's not stupid and not crazy, which makes him that much more scary. It's also scary to know that Chris Hedges was denied standing in federal court. That's something I need to read more about.

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  Comment was last edited about 8 years ago by Love Knowledge Love Knowledge
  1. Edwin man
  1. Aric man

I think trump will not be able to do anything this tenure. This will be the worst essay service in the history of America. This will not last long and people will not like him.

  1. Alina Olive

The second circuit denied my standing, which basically implies they denied my entitlement to bring the case. We documented a cert, Cheap Essay Help a request of to the Supreme Court to request that they hear it and they likewise denied my...

The second circuit denied my standing, which basically implies they denied my entitlement to bring the case. We documented a cert, Cheap Essay Help a request of to the Supreme Court to request that they hear it and they likewise denied my entitlement to bring the case.

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