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Advocate: DHS Proposal to Split Children from Parents at U.S. Border is "State-Sanctioned Violence"

The Department of Homeland Security is considering a proposal to radically shift how federal agents treat undocumented families—including asylum seekers—who attempt to enter the country. Reuters is reporting DHS is considering a proposal to separate mothers from their children if they are caught trying to cross the border together. Under the plan, mothers would be held in custody while children would initially be placed in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services. Texas Democratic Congressman Henry Cuellar criticized the new proposal. He said, "Bottom line: separating mothers and children is wrong. That type of thing is where we depart from border security and get into violating human rights." For more we speak with Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 07 March 2017 19:11

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