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A Day We Were All Afraid Of: Immigrant Rights Activist Speaks Out After Trump Takes Executive Action

Wednesday marked the biggest single day of changes to U.S. immigration policy in recent memory. In a press conference at the Department of Homeland Security, President Trump announced and signed two executive orders to begin construction on a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico and to crack down on those who cross it. Trump’s directive also greatly increases the number of immigration enforcement personnel. The order also strips funding from so-called sanctuary cities. But mayors across the country, including those in New York, Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles, say they will continue to allow police officers to refuse to arrest and detain undocumented immigrants on behalf of federal authorities. We speak to Erika Andiola, a nationally known immigrant activist who served as a spokesperson for Senator Bernie Sanders and helped him craft immigration policy. She is the political director for Our Revolution.

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Last modified on Friday, 27 January 2017 16:58

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