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Why Is the World Closing Borders on Us? A Plea from a 13-Year-Old Syrian Refugee Living in Morocco

As Donald Trump assembles his Cabinet, we look at one of the communities that have been the target of his immigration policy: Syrian refugees. Over the course of the campaign, Trump called them "terrorists," incorrectly accused them of carrying out violent attacks in the United States, and repeatedly said he would end all immigration to the U.S. by Syrian refugees and others from what he called "terror-prone nations." The five-year Syrian conflict has displaced about half the prewar population, with more than 6 million Syrians displaced inside Syria and nearly 5 million Syrian refugees outside its borders. Close to half a million Syrians have been killed in the ongoing war. In Morocco, where Democracy Now! is broadcasting from, some estimate there are thousands of Syrian refugees, though exact figures are difficult to determine. On Thursday evening, producer Deena Guzder spoke to several Syrian refugees in Marrakech.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 21:09

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