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Protesting Trump’s America: Nationwide Demos Continue Against Racism, Xenophobia & Islamophobia

Over the weekend, protests around the world voiced opposition to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign promises to restrict immigration and register Muslims, and allegations that he sexually abused women. Demonstrations in the United States took place in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, Chicago, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Springfield, Massachusetts, Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio, several cities in Florida, New York and Philadelphia, where a Mexican immigrant who is the father of three U.S.-born children entered sanctuary in a church on Sunday and called on President Obama to stop his deportation and others’. We feature voices from Sunday’s march of an estimated 10,000 people in New York, which marked the fifth straight day of protests against Trump in his home town.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 15 November 2016 17:25

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