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Where Do We Go from Here? Former Bernie Sanders Adviser & Chicana Organizer Call for Mass Organizing

As protests against President-elect Trump continued for a third night in cities across the United States, there are increasing reports of threats against Latinos, Muslims, African Americans and members of the LGBTQ community, that many feel are a result of Trump’s rhetoric. We discuss the reaction by activists and organizers to Trump’s victory with Becky Bond, longtime progressive activist and former senior adviser on volunteer mobilization for the Bernie Sanders campaign. Her new book is "Rules for Revolutionaries: How Big Organizing Can Change Everything." We also go to the Facing Race conference in Atlanta, Georgia, where we are joined by Chicana feminist Jodeen Olguín-Tayler, social movement strategist and vice president at Demos. She helped organize protests here in New York at Trump Tower. She has helped organize protests in New York City leading up to and after the election, and helped to coordinate the #Our100 campaign’s letter to the nation with the co-founders of Black Lives Matter.

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Last modified on Friday, 11 November 2016 18:34

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