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Shane Bauer Infiltrates Armed Militia "Hunting Mexicans" & Collaborating with U.S. Border Patrol

Mother Jones senior reporter Shane Bauer joins us to describe how he went undercover to report on America’s right-wing militia movement and what he found. Using Facebook, he joined the III% United Patriots militia, which operates in more than a dozen states. He then traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border to join the militia on a citizen vigilante mission aimed at catching undocumented immigrants. Wearing a hidden camera, he captured collaboration between the paramilitary groups and the U.S. Border Patrol. "Right now we have 270 militias across the country," Bauer notes. "A lot of states have laws that ban militia training or paramilitary training. There have been no cases of these laws being enforced."

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Last modified on Sunday, 30 October 2016 16:40

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