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Will Racist, Anti-Immigrant Trump Supporter Sheriff Joe Arpaio Be Jailed for Contempt of Court?

In Arizona, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio faces the possibility of jail time, after federal prosecutors announced they are charging Arpaio for criminal contempt of court over his refusal to end unconstitutional immigration patrols in Arizona. Arpaio has long been under fire for his immigration policies, which have included racial profiling and detaining immigrants in a scorching outdoor Tent City jail, which Arpaio once referred to as his own "concentration camp." Arpaio has also been a key supporter of Donald Trump, appearing at rallies alongside the Republican presidential candidate, and where he’s joked that both he and Trump have been key members in the "birther" movement, which refuses to acknowledge President Obama was born in the United States. Arpaio now faces up to six months in jail if he’s convicted on contempt of court charges. Activists are also organizing for him to be voted out of office in this November’s election. We speak to Carlos García, executive director of Puente Arizona, a grassroots human rights movement for migrant justice.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 12 October 2016 16:00

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