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U.S. Muslims Fear Hate Crimes & Overreaction by Law Enforcement in Wake of Chelsea Bombing

We host a roundtable discussion about the terrorist attacks, and the response to them, in New York, New Jersey and St. Cloud, Minnesota, where a man named Dahir Adan is accused of knifing 10 people. After police arrested 28-year-old Ahmad Khan Rahami, a suspect in Saturday’s bombings, concern has grown that the government may overreact with security measures and individuals may carry out hate crimes. "There is fear for our own personal security, especially for American Muslim women who identify as Muslim via wearing the hijab," says Debbie Almontaser, president of the Muslim Community Network. We also speak with Ramzi Kassem, professor of law at the City University of New York School of Law, where he directs the Immigrant & Non-Citizen Rights Clinic.

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Last modified on Sunday, 25 September 2016 21:32

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