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Trauma, Then More Trauma: How Long is Too Long for Immigrant Children to Be Detained?

How long is too long for a child to be held in detention? At least five families have been held for a full year in the Berks Residential Center in Pennsylvania while their asylum case is appealed, even though they could be released to live with immediate family members and relatives in the United States. We discuss the impact of indefinite detention of asylum-seeking women and children with Bridget Cambria, an immigration lawyer who represents many of the families detained at the Berks County Residential Center, and with Dr. Allen Keller, who is an expert in the evaluation and treatment of detained immigrants and asylum seekers. Dr. Keller visited Berks in August to observe the families there. He is also member of the international advisory board of Physicians for Human Rights.

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Last modified on Sunday, 25 September 2016 22:53

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