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This is Transparent Discrimination: ACLU’s Chase Strangio on Trump’s Military Trans Ban

The White House has reportedly prepared a memo for the Pentagon outlining President Trump’s call to ban transgender people from serving in the U.S. military. The memo instructs the Pentagon to refuse to admit transgender people to the military and to stop paying for the medical treatments for transgender people currently serving. According to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported on the memo, the Pentagon will have six months to implement the ban. In response to the report, Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq War veteran who was severely injured, issued a statement urging Congress to block Trump’s announced ban. Five transgender military members have already sued Trump over the ban. Thousands of transgender people are currently serving in the US military. For more we speak with Chase Strangio, staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union.

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Last modified on Sunday, 27 August 2017 14:28

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