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Warming World: Stream Leonardo DiCaprio’s Climate Change Documentary

In Brief

•   In a new video from National Geographic, Leonardo DiCaprio explores climate change and what must be done to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.

TV watchers had a lot of options Sunday night, from game 5 of the World Series to a new episode of The Walking Dead to Sunday Night Football. These fun entertainment options wouldn’t cause anyone to contemplate the end of the world (unless, of course, you think a zombie apocalypse is a viable future scenario or you’re a Cleveland sports fan).

But over on National Geographic, famed actor Leonardo DiCaprio was doing just that—starring in a new documentary exploring the impact of climate change on our environment and the disastrous future we face if nothing is done to stymie it.

Directed by Academy Award-winning documentarian Fisher Stevens, “Before The Flood” chronicles DiCaprio’s journey as he interviews climate-change researchers, politicians, and people living in areas already feeling the negative impact of our environmental destruction. “Clean air, water and a livable climate are inalienable human rights,” says DiCaprio, who is a U.N. Messenger of Peace for the Climate. “And solving this crisis is not a question of politics; it is a question of our own survival.”

The film is now streaming in full, so take an hour-and-a-half out of your day to learn more about climate change and what you can do to help protect the planet.

Last modified on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 02:14

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