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Puerto Ricans Call for Aid Amidst Catastrophe: "We're American Citizens. We Can't Be Left to Die"

Six days after Hurricane Maria slammed into Puerto Rico, 3.4 million U.S. citizens in the territory remain without adequate food, water and fuel. But as the massive crisis became clear over the weekend, President Trump failed to weigh in, instead lashing out at sports players who joined in protest against racial injustice. It took the president five full days to respond, with comments that appeared to blame the island for its own misfortune. We examine the dire situation in Puerto Rico with Yarimar Bonilla, Puerto Rican scholar, who wrote in The Washington Post, "Why would anyone in Puerto Rico want a hurricane? Because someone will get rich." And we speak with Puerto Ricans in New York who have been unable to reach loved ones after nearly a week.

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Last modified on Thursday, 28 September 2017 16:57

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