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How Well is the Media Vetting Donald Trump?

But quantity does not necessarily imply quality.While coverage has been abundant, it is worth exploring the nature of that coverage, and, specifically, whether the media is adequately vetting Trump as a candidate. Chuck Todd, the host of NBC’s Meet the Press, claims that it has. “A common criticism you’ve heard is that Trump’s rise is the media’s fault, because we have enabled his rise,” Todd has said.“But,” he added, before listing several of Trump’s flip-flops and liberal-to-conservative policy evolutions, “you could argue that the media has also provided all the material that normally a campaign would want to put together an attack against Trump.”

Corruption, Super PACs, and Why the Media Hasn’t Covered Democracy Spring

Twenty-nine seconds: according to Lee Fang and Zaid Jilani of The Intercept, this is how much time cable news networks Fox News and MSNBC devoted to daytime and afternoon TV coverage of the Democracy Spring protests as of April 12. On April 11, when 400 protestors were arrested for a sit-in at the Capitol, some were heard chanting, “Where is CNN?” which had not yet covered the protests.

5 Ways To Stay an Informed Voter in Today’s Media Environment

It doesn’t take long for political discussions on social media to turn negative.From vitriolic remarks, to hyperbolic statements, to name-calling, online political conversations tend to turn into a tit-for-tat verbal slug fest. One accusation in particular is common in YouTube comment sections, Facebook threads, Twitter, and other online forums, and that is one person accusing someone they disagree with of being a “low information voter” — or more crassly, calling the person an idiot or stupid. 

Health Information Systems to Improve Quality of Care in Resource-Poor Settings

This course is a collaborative offering of Sana, Partners in Health, and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). The goal of this course is the development of innovations in information systems for developing countries that will (1) translate into improvement in health outcomes, (2) strengthen the existing organizational infrastructure, and (3) create a collaborative ecosystem to maximize the value of these innovations. The course will be taught by guest speakers who are internationally recognized experts in the field and who, with their operational experiences, will outline the challenges they faced and detail how these were addressed.

Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering

The course covers basic concepts of biomedical engineering and their connection with the spectrum of human activity. It serves as an introduction to the fundamental science and engineering on which biomedical engineering is based. Case studies of drugs and medical products illustrate the product development-product testing cycle, patent protection, and FDA approval. It is designed for science and non-science majors.

Introduction to Engineering: Design in the Real World

Currently offered in Fall and Winter semesters at the University of Michigan College of Engineering (Ann Arbor, MI), this survey course provides a general introduction to the engineering design process – spanning core topics from problem definition through prototyping and testing, as well as other important considerations such as sustainability, failure analysis, and engineering economics. In some semesters, select lectures have been delivered via screencast prior to class, with corresponding lecture times then involving a complementary or a reinforcing activity. This particular Section of Engineering 100 emphasizes multidisciplinary design, entrepreneurship, and benefitting people's quality of life.

Introduction to Finite Element Methods

About 50 hours of lectures covering the material normally thought in an introductory graduate class at University of Michigan. The treatment is mathematical, which is natural for a topic whose roots lie deep in functional analysis and variational calculus. It is not formal, however, because the main goal of these lectures is to turn the viewer into a competent developer of finite element code. We do spend time in rudimentary functional analysis, and variational calculus, but this is only to highlight the mathematical basis for the methods, which in turn explains why they work so well. Much of the success of the Finite Element Method as a computational framework lies in the rigor of its mathematical foundation, and this needs to be appreciated, even if only in the elementary manner presented here. A background in PDEs and, more importantly, linear algebra, is assumed, although the viewer will find that we develop all the relevant ideas that are needed.
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