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What Everyone is Missing About Melania Trump’s Plagiarized Speech

(ANTIMEDIA) Cleveland, OH — Melania Trump’s RNC speech, which was partially plagiarized from a Michelle Obama speech, has become such a popular subject that #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes has turned into a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter.

As you can see in the video below, several segments of Melania Trump’s speech were lifted directly from Michelle Obama’s 2008 DNC speech, but there’s one detail everyone is missing about this whole debacle.

The missing detail is summarized perfectly—and ironically—by an official statement from Melania Trump’s Facebook page following the fallout:

“[S]ome instances” of the speech, the statement confesses, “included fragments that reflected her own thinking.”

Starting to see the problem yet? Melania Trump didn’t plagiarize Michelle Obama; Melania’s speech writers copied Michelle’s speech writers.

So what?” you may ask. Most politicians and public figures, including Trump, Hillary, and Obama, have speech writers. But the problem is more profound than simply having speech writers, and Melania’s statement inadvertently exposes the point I’m trying to make: Politicians have become actors instead of thinkers.

They don’t write their own speeches. Someone else does—and they simply read the words from a teleprompter. Much in the same way TV “journalists” simply read the scripts they are given, politicians are not speaking their minds. They are speaking words written by advisors, focus groups, and speechwriters who think they know what the public wants to hear. On some occasions, the speeches may contain “fragments” of the person’s actual thoughts. On other occasions, they may contain none.

Hell, lawmakers don’t even make laws anymorelobbyists do.

We no longer have politicians in America who are willing to tell people the harsh truths they don’t want to hear. The rhetoric and narratives communicated to the American people are cooked up by unelected bureaucrats in backrooms to make us feel better about the increasingly unpopular talking heads that 70 percent of Americans feel are steering the country in the wrong direction.

It’s a big scripted show, and it sure is entertaining. Maybe that’s why Donald Trump’s entrance to the RNC last night had a striking similarity to the ones seen in professional wrestling

This article (What Everyone is Missing About Melania Trump’s Plagiarized Speech) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Nick Bernabe and theAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. Image credit: marcn

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Last modified on Saturday, 17 September 2016 20:42

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