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Lectures on Continuum Physics

Course Description:

The idea for these Lectures on Continuum Physics grew out of a short series of talks on materials physics at University of Michigan, in the summer of 2013. Those talks were aimed at advanced graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and faculty colleagues. From this group the suggestion emerged that a somewhat complete set of lectures on continuum aspects of materials physics would be useful. The lectures that you are about to dive into were recorded over a six-week period at the University. Given their origin, they are meant to be early steps on a path of research in continuum physics for the entrant to this area, and I daresay a second opinion for the more seasoned exponent of the science. The potential use of this series as an enabler of more widespread research in continuum physics is as compelling a motivation for me to record and offer it, as is its potential as an open online class.

Course Link:


  • School: Michigan
  • Area Of Study: Science
  • Degree Program: Graduate Degree
  • Fee/No Fee: No Fee

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