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Soon, Your Windows Could Power Your Home

Researchers have developed a technique to use silicon nanoparticles to trap and collect the useful frequencies of light that shine through windows, turning them into energy harvesters. These energy-harvesting window panes could eventually be integrated into skyscrapers, turning entire cities into solar farms without impacting their aesthetics.

We Need to Switch to Renewables Because Millions Are Dying

The Health Effects Institute (HEI) recently concluded that air pollution killed an estimated 4.2 million people worldwide in 2015, with 2.2 million of those deaths in China and India. With approximately 92% of people living in areas with "unhealthy air," finding a solution to our air pollution problem is of the utmost importance.

Renewables Accounted for 90% of Europe’s New Power Last Year

In 2016, 21.1 GW of the 24.5 GW of new energy sources added to Europe’s electrical grids were from renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass. While impressive, renewables still count for a much smaller fraction of the continent’s total power capacity, so much work is still needed to end our dependence on fossil fuels.
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