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First Evidence Surfaces of Foreign Money Pouring into U.S. Elections After Citizens United

Six years ago, President Obama warned the nation that foreign corporations could soon pour money into the U.S. election system thanks to the Supreme Court Citizens United decision. Now, direct evidence has emerged for the first time showing a foreign company has indeed donated money to a federal campaign. Documentation obtained by The Intercept shows a company owned by Chinese nationals donated $1.3 million to Jeb Bush’s super PAC after receiving advice from a prominent Republican lawyer. To talk more about the exposé, we are joined by The Intercept’s Lee Fong, who co-wrote the multi-part series "Foreign Influence."

Read more http://www.democracynow.org/2016/8/4/first_evidence_surfaces_of_foreign_money

Part 2 of our conversation with Lee Fang of The Intercept. His new series, "Foreign Influence," reveals how a company owned by Chinese nationals donated $1.3 million to Jeb Bush's super PAC after receiving advice from a prominent Republican lawyer.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 02:49

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