These Wisconsin Counties Sided With Machine Recounts
- Submitted by: Love Knowledge
- Category: Politics
The post These Wisconsin Counties Sided With Machine Recounts appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.
Three Wisconsin counties — with highly unexpected surges of votes to Donald Trump — have decided not to hand count their paper ballots when they have an option to machine-scan them. This could prove consequential in a state where just 22,177 votes separate the candidates.
The decisions of election officials shut the door on actually being able to conclusively explain the large discrepancy in the votes between 2012 and 2016 and to assure voters that the count was accurate.
The counties are:
Outagamie (biggest city: Appleton)
Average margin of victory, last four presidential elections: 1,639 votes, GOP
This year: 13,480 GOP
Gain beyond average for GOP: 11,841
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