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Who Gets Free Speech?

The post Who Gets Free Speech? appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

In the era of Donald Trump and #TheResistance, questions of free speech have once again come to the forefront of public consciousness. Should Megyn Kelly interview Alex Jones, who believed (or believes) the Sandy Hook shootings were a hoax? Should UC Berkeley host alt-right and alleged pedophilia defender Milo Yiannopoulos? Should society respect neo-Nazis and white nationalists’ right to peaceably assemble and promote their view online?

Undoubtedly these are controversial subjects, and sometimes they elicit violent reactions from those who find the beliefs and actions of certain individuals objectionable. But this is not the first time that Americans have struggled over the proper boundaries of free speech. Much of the drama has played out at the highest level, the United States Supreme Court.

There have been many landmark court decisions regarding the First Amendment over the years.   

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Last modified on Tuesday, 27 June 2017 14:47

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