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Cutting the Cord to Corporate Cable News

The post Cutting the Cord to Corporate Cable News appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

There is no doubt that MSNBC is the most honest of the three large cable news providers in the US. The reason is simple: As opposed to Fox News and the Cable News Network, it doesn’t have the word “news” in its name. That is, however, the only way MSNBC distinguishes itself among the trio.

Each has a bunch of well-paid anchors at its disposal as well as an army of reporters and correspondents. With all of these people on staff, they still did not manage to break any significant news this election cycle. Of course, you wouldn’t know this from the frequency of the “Breaking News” banners they keep flashing across our TV screens.

Corporate cable news is failing to live up to its role as part of the free press. We get lots of opinion but very little attention is paid to issues like military spending (or what the military is doing with the hundreds of billions it gets each year), mass surveillance, income inequality, climate change, election integrity, crony capitalism, mass incarceration, etc. 

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Last modified on Tuesday, 17 January 2017 21:43

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