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CEO Behind Murder of Environmental Activist Arrested

https://www.flickr.com/photos/cidh/26169811962/ Berta Zúñiga Cáceres, daughter of Berta Cáceres, speaking at a vigil held at the doors of the OAS for Berta Cáceres, murdered on March 3, 2016 in Honduras. https://www.flickr.com/photos/cidh/26169811962/

The post CEO Behind Murder of Environmental Activist Arrested appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

When masked gunmen killed renowned Honduran environmentalist Berta Cáceres in her home two years ago, many believed the murder was connected to her protests against the construction of a dam on a river sacred to an indigenous tribe.

The arrest last week of Roberto David Castillo was a major break in the investigation of the crime. At the time of the murder, Castillo was the CEO of Desarrollos Energéticos SA (DESA), the construction company that initiated the dam project.

Castillo was arrested at the airport as he attempted to leave the country. He is the ninth person to be charged in connection with the murder — the others are already serving varying sentences — and his arrest suggests that the order for the killing came from the very top. 

Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from Berta Caceres protest (Comisión Interamericana / Flickr – CC BY 2.0).

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Last modified on Wednesday, 07 March 2018 20:17

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