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Don’t Avert Your Eyes from “Inconvenient” Climate Disaster

The post Don’t Avert Your Eyes from “Inconvenient” Climate Disaster appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

To many Americans, Al Gore is an overweight lightweight, a serial exaggerator and bragger of no real consequence. Problematically, those same people also think that talk about Climate Change is so much hot air.

Today, on the tenth anniversary of a pronouncement from the world’s leading climate scientists that global warming is a serious threat to humankind, is “very likely” caused by humans, and will be unstoppable for centuries — I’d like to introduce the skeptics (and the rest of us) to an essential film which, I believe, will disabuse folks on both accounts. It’s called An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, and is a clever twist on its equally cleverly titled 2006 parent film, An Inconvenient Truth.

That documentary arguably did as much as any single source to wake people up to the reality that humanity is doomed unless we take drastic action.

Now, I understand how some folks can believe that 99% plus of scientists are flat wrong about the onrushing disaster of Climate Change. Or that this disaster is primarily caused by humans. I watched An Inconvenient Sequel at the Sundance Film Festival, in Park City, Utah — a ski resort which, as the festival was getting underway, experienced one of its most abundant snowfalls in recent memory.

At breakfast each day at the lodge where I stayed, I overheard the affluent red-state skiers watching the morning news and grumbling about the Women’s March and other alarms over Trump, and looking forward to their day gliding through mounds of powder. I heard not one of them express any concern or awareness of Climate Change or its deadly corollary, Global Warming.

Because, what warming? It was cold enough to make a whole lot of snow.

That’s where a film like An Inconvenient Sequel comes in. 

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Last modified on Thursday, 02 February 2017 17:32

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