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Massive Erie Snow Dump Facilitated by Climate Change

The post Massive Erie Snow Dump Facilitated by Climate Change appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

Record-breaking snowfall in Pennsylvania earlier this week turns out to be another symptom of the earth heating up at record-breaking speeds, according to government scientists, while President Donald Trump thinks global warming could help eradicate the current cold snap.

The city of Erie was pummeled with 34 inches of snow on Christmas Day — an all-time daily snowfall record, beating the previous mark of 20 inches that had stood for over 60 years. Another 24.5 inches had fallen by Tuesday night, bringing the total since December 23 to more than 63 inches.

Why did so much snow fall? And does Trump have a point does all this snow mean our climate crisis is over?    

Related front page panorama photo credit: Adapted by WhoWhatWhy from snow (Kraken 42nd / YouTube).

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Last modified on Tuesday, 02 January 2018 18:07

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