New Theories of Everything
- Submitted by: Love Knowledge
- Category: Science
New Theories of Everything
Will we ever discover a single scientific theory that tells us everything that has happened, and everything that will happen, on every level in the Universe? The quest for the theory of everything – a single key that unlocks all the secrets of the Universe – is no longer a pipe-dream, but the focus of some of our most exciting research about the structure of the cosmos. But what might such a theory look like? What would it mean? And how close are we to getting there?
In New Theories of Everything, John D. Barrow describes the ideas and controversies surrounding the ultimate explanation. Updating his earlier work Theories of Everything with the very latest theories and predictions, he tells of the M-theory of superstrings and multiverses, of speculations about the world as a computer program, and of new ideas of computation and complexity. But this is not solely a book about modern ideas in physics – Barrow also considers and reflects on the philosophical and cultural consequences of those ideas, and their implications for our own existence in the world.
Far from there being a single theory uniquely specifying the constants and forces of nature, the picture today is of a vast landscape of different logically possible laws and constants in many dimensions, of which our own world is but a shadow: a tiny facet of a higher dimensional reality. But this is not to say we should give up in bewilderment: Barrow shows how many rich and illuminating theories and questions arise, and what this may mean for our understanding of our own place in the cosmos.
List Price: $ 19.95
Price: $ 8.34
Customer Reviews
![]() Let there be light?, November 22, 2008 By WB, Zeno – See all my reviews Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
Alas, no. “New TOEs” is in my opinion a somewhat obscure and defective book, because (1) the first edition hasn’t been rewritten but addded to; (2) it’s an uneven mixture of dumbing down and illusory depth; and (3) Barrow has, not a golden, but a leaden (or iron, were we to follow Hesiod) pen. (1) NOT REWRITTEN BUT ADDED TO: in page 3 he writes as if the 20th C had still to end; in his first summary of superstrings (“ss”) (p. 24) he doesn’t mention M theory, an omission which he makes good in page 32 ff., but without including the landscape problem: this is fleetingly alluded to only once in the whole book (p. 133), as contrasted to the constant references to eternal inflation and bubble Universes; there’s constant emphasis on the heat death of the Universe whereas the acceleration of expansion (pp. 130/133, oddly introduced as a “rival Theory of (almost) Everything” to ss in p. 129) is treated only once; an unclear graph extends only to 1988 (p. 170); “if ss theory manages to produce some observable prediction in the not too distant future” (p. 224); etc. etc. (2) UNEVEN MIXTURE OF DUMBING DOWN AND ILLUSORY DEPTH. I’ll give just two examples (they take space), although there are many others: in pp. 46/50 Barrow discusses (unnecesarily in my view) the transfinite numbers -by the way there he states, mistakenly, that “the real numbers possess a higher cardinality than the natural numbers and it is denoted by … (aleph-one)”, when actually neither Cantor nor anybody else managed to prove that ‘c’, the power of the continuum, equals aleph-one, which is the cardinal of the first uncountable ordinal-. This is conceptually, for a layman, quite advanced stuff; yet elsewhere in the book he finds it necessary to define angular momentum as the total rotational energy of a body. Now, is it conceivable that a person who doesn’t know what angular momentum is will be at ease and indeed understand four pages on denumerable and non-denumerable cardinals? (3) BARROW HAS, NOT A GOLDEN, BUT A LEADEN (OR IRON, WERE WE TO FOLLOW HESIOD) PEN. Where to begin? At random: in p. 57, speaking of oscillating infinite series, we find the baffling statement "the limiting value of a sum must be specified together with the procedure used to calculate it". There's a fourth point, but that depends on personal tastes: dwelling so extensively on time and its arrow, entropy, thermodynamics and the heat death, etc., I would have liked Barrow to have said something about the problems of recurrence, Bolzano's worries, Poincaré's theorem, etc. In the case of Wheeler-DeWitt's equation and Hartle-Hawking state, I would also have liked something said about loop quantum gravity. Idem about background independence (there's only one line about it). The book's strong points are its emphasis on philosophy of math and phy; the clear if brief treatment of Einstein's cosmological constant; the mention of Xia's result about Newtonian mechanics (pp. 30/31, interesting because its resulting invalidation parallels GR's by the prediction of black hole singularities); the apt titles of some section headings: "The eternal golden braid", "The importance of being constant", "Goodbye to all that", etc., which, if really Barrow's, show culture and a wry sense of humour; the inclusion of all the "sexy" problems in cosmology, with the fourth point caveat and excepting the COBE and WMAP probes (but they really have little to do with the book's main thrust); and the very moderate space given to M "theory". For me the book rates three stars, but I learned nothing new, and it wasn't particularly enjoyable, so one star less for the loss of time. ![]() To understand creation…an impossible dream, March 19, 2009 By Steve Reina (Troy Michigan) – See all my reviews ![]() I’m a big fan of Oxford’s John Barrow.
As a scientist he’s distinguished himself among weighty competition like Frank Tipler in formulating the cosmic anthropologic hypothesis (which deals with the question of why we find ourselves in a universe so conducive to our own existence). As a science writer, he’s also distinguished himself by taking weighty concepts like how the universe came to be and how far our science may ever be able to get in helping us understand where it and where it’s going. His books Impossibility on the Science of Limits and the Limits of Science and the Constants of Nature occupy two of the most treasured spots on my bookshelf. And in my opinion Barrow doesn’t disappoint in either this book or its 1991 original version. As observed by other reviewers Barrow endeavors to tell what is the continuing story of science’s continuing quest to develop a theory of everything: a theory that explains the basic physical laws of the universe. A fully formed theory of everything would take us back to the very moment of creation and explain the process by which the universe came to be the way that it is. Along the way, understanding the way that the universe is has turned out to be a major challenge. That’s because by dint of our occupancy on a rather mundane planet in a non significant solar system in what is an average galaxy doesn’t exactly give us the best vantage point to view things they way they ultimately are. For one thing, the very matter of which we are composed according to modern physics is but four percent of the existing mass of the universe. For another thing, even the advanced physics of Albert Einstein is failing to answer some basic questions like why outlying solar systems ours move so orbit the galaxy so quickly. In other words, our efforts to give discription to the forces that govern our physical world at present seem to suffer from the major defect of not sufficiently understanding the phenomenon we are trying to describe. As always, Barrow is thorough in his treatment. Yet, and I think fairly, his book reflects the pessimism with which he views the possibility that we will soon come up with a reasonable theory of everything…including even the much bally hooed discussion about string theory. String theory is a mathematical model of the universe which says that there are eleven dimensions of physical reality (as opposed to the four we easily perceive). It’s a mathematical bohemeth and for reasons alluded to by Peter Woit in The Problem with Physics among other recent volumes I think the theory suffers from some insurmountable problems. Fortunately this Barrow volume gives a fair sense of the pros and cons and as always gives the reader an excellent ring side view of the academic dispute. So for these reasons and more I highly recommend this book or for that matter pretty much any book by Barrow. He’s a great scientist and a great writer. ![]() Densely Packed with Info & Insights, October 7, 2009 By Jersey gardener (Millington, NJ, USA) – See all my reviews Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
Barrow’s book is densely packed with information and novel insights, but it’s a slog to get through. The author is repetitive and not always clear, because he relies a lot on the assumption you’ve read his earlier works and are quite literate and up-to-speed on philosphical arcania.
Nevertheless, I think you will be rewarded by a careful reading and rereading of this volume. Here Barrow attempts to parse the largest questions about reality and the universe into crisp catagories. In itself this is quite a task and he accomplishes it, though a bit too tersely.Like Penrose’s “The Road to Reality,” Barrow’s “New Theories of Everything” is, in a way, exhaustive and exhausting. But not reading it leaves a wide and unnecessary hole in one’s understanding about modern physics and its implications for the largest questions about our material existence. |
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