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Religion and Politics in the United States

Religion and Politics in the United States

From marriage equality, to gun control, to immigration reform and the threat of war, religion plays a fascinating and crucial part in our nation’s political process and in our culture at large. Now in its seventh edition, Religion and Politics in the United States includes analyses of the nation’s most pressing political matters regarding religious freedom, and the ways in which that essential constitutional freedom situates itself within modern America.

The book also explores the ways that religion has affected the orientation of partisan politics in the United States. Through a detailed review of the political attitudes and behaviors of major religious and minority faith traditions, the book establishes that religion continues to be a major part of the American cultural and political milieu while explaining that it must interact with many other factors to influence political outcomes in the United States.

List Price: $ 63.45

Price: $ 53.09

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5.0 out of 5 stars
Five Stars, July 3, 2016 By  Amazon CustomerSee all my reviews
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Great book to read

Last modified on Thursday, 22 September 2016 22:53

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