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Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth

Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth

For centuries, humankind has tried to navigate between scientific and spiritual conceptions of reality often without much success. In the resultant confusion scientists, philosophers and theologians have pondered and argued; yet the separation remains. Norman Friedman correlates the quantum physics of David Bohm with the Perennial Philosophy described by Aldous Huxley and the spiritual insights of the channeled entity known as Seth to show how a single reality emerges from seemingly contradictory perspectives; a brilliant synthesis.

SOME OF THE MANY ENDORSEMENTS for Norman Friedman’s books:

“I think Bridging Science and Spirit is one of the most insightful, comprehensive, and brilliant expressions of knowledge. I shall certainly use it as a reference guide. Many abstract ideas that I was not comfortable with are now more meaningful.”
— Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind; The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success; The Way of the Wizard

“Bridging Science and Spirit accomplishes a formidable task. This book will be a valuable research document for many years to come for those concerned with a perspective that honors both science and spirituality.”
— Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.; author of Taking the Quantum Leap; Parallel Universes; The Physics of the Soul

“Bridging Science and Spirit correctly asks, ‘How does matter originate from consciousness?’ This is the fundamental question of a growing body of literature regarding the new paradigm of an idealist, consciousness-based science. Norman Friedman has made an important and thoughtful contribution to this new science.”
— Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Professor of Physics, University of Oregon; author of The Self-Aware Universe

“A masterful job of bringing innate psychic understanding and scientific knowledge together, brilliantly showing us how all is one and one is all.”
— Robert F. Butts – Husband of Jane Roberts, Channel for Seth

“Few have understood both science and metaphysics well enough to remove our blinders to their underlying similarities – and universal truths. Kudos to Norman Friedman for proving to be a master bridge builder.”
— Lynda Madden Dahl, Co-founder, Seth Network International; author of eight Seth-based books, including the Living a Safe Universe Series

“An insightful synthesis of the outer frontiers of theoretical physics with the deep revelations of mystical insight, throwing important light on the reality we live in.”
— Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain; The White Hole in Time; The Global Brain Awakens

“Some future historian will, I feel confident, identify the ‘Great Debate’ of the twentieth century around the question: ‘What is science going to do about consciousness?’ I would surmise that Norman Friedman’s book Bridging Science and Spirit will turn out to be a benchmark in that inquiry. No one can read it without gaining some clarity on their own nature.”
— Willis Harman, Ph.D., President, Institute of Noetic Sciences; author of Global Mind Change

“A brilliant synthesis of ageless wisdom and modern science. Friedman’s writing provides pictures for our minds so we can ‘see’ reality.”
— Montague Ullman, Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Emeritus, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, N.Y.

“I responded to this book with both admiration and appreciation for the task Norman Friedman set out to do and accomplished so successfully. He has paved the way toward a deeper understanding of the role of consciousness in the creation and structure of matter.”
— Jacquelyn Small, MSSW, President, Eupsychia, Inc.; author of Awakening in Time; Transformers, the Artists of Self-Creation

List Price: $ 15.95

Customer Reviews

33 of 34 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
take your pick, May 30, 2007 By  John D. Barcik (Stuart, Florida USA) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth (Paperback) A synopsis of the writings of one of the all-time great physicists, David Bohm, sets the tone for the synthesis of what seem to be radically different forms of knowledge. It takes concentration to stay with what Bohm has put forth, but if the effort is forthcoming, the results are more than worth it. Wholeness and the implicate order are the bottom line.

Wholeness and the implicate order are repeated in physics, philosophy, and the psychic. All three say essentially the same thing. We are used to structuring our reality based on agreement. When several people agree that something happened, there is consensual validity. Consensual validity means that we believe what happened actually happened, it’s real. This belief is our reality. We can end up at the end of this book with a consensual world view which is quite different from what we held before reading this book.

Many of us take physics pretty seriously and use physics to help us structure our reality. In other words, we give credibility to what physics has to say. However, psychic phenomena are often not given the same credibility. Weird psychic phenomena such as “channeling” are more often than not dismissed out of hand. So we make judgements about what we accept as credible and what we do not as we construct our reality.

This book presents us with the task of re-evaluating our judgements regarding what we accept and what we reject in the construction of our reality. The question is: What do we do when both physics and the psychic say the SAME THING?? Do we continue with our acceptance of physics and rejection of the psychic even though they both say the same thing? Do we bag physics and go for the psychic? Do we say that this is too confusing to make any sense out of? Or. Do we opt for consensual validity and accept that both physics and the psychic are real?

It is fascinating that we can go both ways. We can use physics to understand the psychic. Or. We can use the psychic to understand physics. Either way. Take your pick. We end up at the same place! For those who prefer mathematics, go for David Bohm. For those who prefer the psychic, go for “Seth”. For those who prefer eastern philosophy, go for Ken Wilber. Everybody ends up at the same place. And WHAT a place it is! It’s whole, not segmented. It’s unified, not divided! It’s infinite, not limited! It continually changes, it’s not fixed! We’re all together, not separated!

So here we have a book, written by an engineer, which is spiritually up-lifting in a way which is difficult to match.

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25 of 26 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
a book that found me, April 23, 2006 By  Mitch Y. Artman (new york, NY United States) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth (Paperback) i bought this book from a street vendor in new york where ordinarily there are never books and ordinarily i never walk. i had a feeling the book was finding me as much as i was finding it. i point this out because this does not occur with books which cannot impact you.

i won’t ignore the gaps or issues others have raised regarding the text. what matters is that, a year later, i remember the unmistakeable sense of there being a higher unity of things than we typically experience or conceive. friedman interrelates david bohm’s quantum mechanics (implicate and explicate order), jane roberts’ seth seances and the perennial philosophy.

i do not believe seth is a spirit but roberts’ muse. i am not hanging on every word like a fish on a hook. but we see emerging the idea that our science, our philosophy and our faith ultimately point to a singular reality we develop towards without knowing it.

friedman was a millionaire in industry before he wrote either of his books (the hidden domain). this is a man who wanted more than what the daily world offered. and this is what he found.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
A little mind boggling, December 9, 2012 By  PlatoSee all my reviews
Verified Purchase(What’s this?) This review is from: Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm’s Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth (Paperback) I’m 2/3 the way through the book. I can appreciate the reviewer who criticized the book for the complexity of the read, but I’m inclined to give the author some slack given the fact that his book is dealing with an impossibly complex subject. I took a break from reading to try to find out more about this author. He is certainly no quack.

The depth of his understanding and ability to tackle and explain some very difficult concepts in science and metaphysics is extremely impressive. The book is well worth the read if you are interested in wrestling with questions about the universe, consciousness, and reality. You can always put the book down for a few minutes when your eyes start to glaze over.

I’m ready to return to it now.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 16:30

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