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God at the Speed of Light: The Melding of Science and Spirituality

God at the Speed of Light: The Melding of Science and Spirituality

Respected television producer Barbara Hall cited God at the Speed of Light as one of the inspirations for her creation of the CBS TV series “Joan of Arcadia” (2003-05). The unique and supernatural characteristics of light that influenced Hall have equally served to inspire the likes of Copernicus, Ole Romer, Michelson/Morley, Sir Edwin Hubble, and Albert Einstein. Einstein, for instance, frequently envisioned what it would be like to ride on the back of a photon as it sped across the Universe at the speed of light–a speed at which Einstein calculated that time ceased to exist. Since Einstein first entertained his special theory, science has repeatedly verified the cessation of time at this singular velocity. The term “light speed” has paradoxically become the ultimate oxymoron: a velocity of 186,000 miles per second in a setting where time doesn’t exist. The ramifications are profound and are the topic of this book–ramifications so profound, in fact, to convince this author, your ultimate skeptic, that an Eternal, Intelligent Power must exist. Once Lee Baumann came to fully accept these scientifically-proven, yet supernatural qualities of light, his further research only solidified the truly metaphysical nature of this ubiquitous form of universal energy. Suddenly, descriptions of “the light” in the near-death experience and the Earth’s sacred texts (e.g., “I am the light of the world”) required no further explanation. God shares an intimate relationship with light. Baumann’s God at the Speed of Light will complement and strengthen the spiritual foundation of any religious view.

List Price: $ 12.95

Customer Reviews

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful 4.0 out of 5 stars
God is Light-Light is God, April 24, 2014 By  WesleySee all my reviews
Verified Purchase(What’s this?) This review is from: God at the Speed of Light (Kindle Edition) Pretty interesting stuff here. I’m surprise more people have not commented on it. There is so much we do not know but we keep getting a spark here and there, just eought to keep us searching for answers. The brain command a lot of our attention with its hundred billion neurons connected by a hundred trillion synapses. With a brief cessation of brain activity it appears that the "All Knowing" can be had either through deep meditation, prayer, mysticism or NDE. It might be noted that Zen Buddhism has had a long practice in the use of a koan in its attempt to achieve Nirvana or total enlightenment. It involves intense focus and total concentration on a meaningless statement such as " the sound of one hand clapping." It is an attempt to close down the mind just enough to allow both the spirit and the soul to come together. I agree with the book’s main contention that God And Light are both one and the same.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
I thoroughly enjoyed it., September 19, 2014 By  Scott Blanchard (Vestavia Hills, Alabama) – See all my reviews
Verified Purchase(What’s this?) This review is from: God at the Speed of Light (Kindle Edition) Very well thought out and approachable book. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Last modified on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 16:31

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