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20 Years of Censored News

20 Years of Censored News

Based on the work of Project Censored, the national media research project, 20 Years of Censored News reveals, year by year, the top censored news stories from 1976 to 1995. Of the 200 stories presented, less than 25 percent ever received sustained attention in the mainstream press. A disturbing report card of the media’s long-term performance, 20 Years of Censored News provides rigorous documentation of the national news media’s failure to keep the public informed.

List Price: $ 0.00

Price: $ 0.18

Customer Reviews

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
A new view of the first ammendment., November 17, 1999 By  Michael J Woznicki (Holland, MA USA) – See all my reviews
You ever wonder if you are reading every news story or if some of the stories never make it to the paper? Do you ever wonder what you might be missing? Grab a copy of 20 Years of censored news and you’ll be in for a surprise.
Carl Jensen takes you down the last twenty years with major headlines that were never seen. I was surprised and a little scared to think of what is held back from the public. I was amazed to see what was never told.
Proving the old adage “It’s the media that control the people’s thinking.” This book certainly should wake you up to the fact that what you see isn’t really what you get, because you get very little from the press.
I took just over two hours to complete the reading and I am very excited to read Censored 1999, to find out what I missed for the year. Overall this book will make a great gift for just about everyone – well done!
18 of 19 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
A must-read – to understand today’s news, November 10, 1999 By  Jody Palm (Greeneville, TN United States) – See all my reviews
(REAL NAME) Verified Purchase(What’s this?)

Never heard of East Timor until a few weeks ago? Well, you would have if the other news stories about East Timor over that past few years had made it into the mainstream news!
This book made me realize just how bad the situation is out there in the media. How controlled by corporate PR and government intervention our supposedly "free" media is. How could this happen in the United States of America?
I highly recommend this book to citizens who want to be better informed.
The news stories suppressed by Ronald Reagan (and his "administration") alone tell a horrifying story of how a politician tried to ram his agenda down our throats, without our knowing about it, so that we couldn’t dissent or have opinions. And how he tried to censor everything he could, so the American public couldn’t get any information about anything the government was doing.(Read Ch. 7, 1982, #6 "Ronald Reagan: America’s Chief Censor".) There are also a multitude of stories censored by trans-global corporations what will scare you to death when you read them. What corporations will perpetrate on the public’s health, just to continue making a buck, will shock you.
The orignial news stories are covered in summary form, the sources are cited, and there is usually an Update on what has happened since. Sometimes the update is more harrowing than the original!
It is your civic duty to read this book.


7 of 7 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
SALVATION LIES WITHIN, February 10, 1999 By A Customer

There is nothing more important to Freedom than a free, unbiased exchange of ideas. I now have a better idea of how "un-free" I am. Through reading this book, several layers of ignorance have been stripped away from my consciousness.
This is a scholarly, thoughtful dissertation encompassing not only issues of monopolization of the American press by huge multinational corporations, but many other issues ignored by mainstream media: environmentalism, nuclear power, government surveillance and other infringements on the civil rights of the world’s citizens. This book is an essential collection of modern history so carefully hidden from the vast majority of Americans.

Last modified on Thursday, 08 December 2016 22:49

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