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Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization (Substantially Revised)

Plan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization (Substantially Revised)

“[Brown’s] ability to make a complicated subject accessible to the general reader is remarkable.”―Katherine Salant, Washington Post

As fossil fuel prices rise, oil insecurity deepens, and concerns about climate change cast a shadow over the future of coal, a new energy economy is emerging. Wind, solar, and geothermal energy are replacing oil, coal, and natural gas, at a pace and on a scale we could not have imagined even a year ago. For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, we have begun investing in energy sources that can last forever. Plan B 4.0 explores both the nature of this transition to a new energy economy and how it will affect our daily lives.

List Price: $ 9.76

Price: $ 5.25

Customer Reviews

37 of 41 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
The best book on building a viable global future, September 17, 2009 By  Future Watch Writer (Washington, D.C. Area) – See all my reviews
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This is the best book in print that provides a comprehensive global solution to today’s environmental problems. Too many environmentalists have great visions of doom but few practical solutions. I think Brown is overly optimistic but he at least does have a plan that is connected to reality. The most important part of the book is Part III, The Great Mobilization. Specifically, America needs to do a total mobilization of its economic resources as it did for World War II. Nothing less will be adequate. Only a global level he has compiled a budget for what is needed which you can read on page 263. You should read the footnotes for this to see how he got this. He has a global energy plan on page 254. If you want to know more about Brown look up his organization Earth Policy Institute on Google. Hopefully, Obama will heed Brown’s advice. You might want to watch the following National Geographic special to see what the stakes are National Geographic: Six Degrees Could Change the World.
23 of 25 people found the following review helpful 5.0 out of 5 stars
Not just a plan to “save civilization” – a plan for making our society “civilized”, March 15, 2010 By  Jamie Osborne (Belgium) – See all my reviews
Plan B is an amazing effort – I could hardly put it down!

Like many people, I’ve put a lot of thought into the multitude of woes that face the planet and our poor (oh so human) race, and I’ve tried earnestly to do my bit here and there to make a difference…

Like just about anyone who’s really tried to think things through however, I usually end up feeling overwhelmed, powerless and disheartened by the sheer magnitude of it all.

I try to stay informed, and I’ve read plenty of scary stuff by real experts about the terrible existential problems that we and our children face – Climate change, water crises, food crises, pandemics, overpopulation, terrorism, war, poverty, illiteracy, peak oil, biodiversity loss, rainforest depletion, collapsing fisheries, …

I’ve also read plenty of amazing stuff by real experts about the solutions to these terrible existential problems – renewable energy, sustainable economies, sustainable fisheries, forestry, and farming, sustainable design and manufacturing, poverty eradication, universal primary education, population control, universal health care, …

The problem with most of these “expert” solutions though is that they only address the problem that the expert understands – which would be just fine if we lived in a hypothetical world where that problem existed in isolation from the other problems that humanity faces.

Reading about these “solutions” usually leaves me feeling all positive and “Bono/We are the World” for a short time, but when I really think about it again, I realise that there is no point educating children who are dying of starvation or thirst! And what is the point of providing health care to a country that is so geopolitically unstable that it will collapse into civil war and genocide at any moment? What is the point of teaching sustainable farming practices to people whose land is turning into desert, or sinking into the ocean due to climate change?

No matter how hard most mere mortals try, it is just too hard to make sense of all the bad things that are going on in the world today. Quite the opposite – the more one tries to understand and to make sense, the more overwhelmed, powerless, and disheartened one becomes.

Clearly, Lester R Brown is no mere mortal.

I’m not going to spoil the book for you, but you need to know that Lester R Brown’s life work has been to understand all the problems above and more, and to understand their interdependencies.

He has cultivated this understanding so that he and his Earth Policy Institute can develop a comprehensive programme that addresses these problems together, in a way that successes in one area reinforce progress in other areas – a programme that he calls “Plan B” – “Plan B is an integrated program with four interdependent goals.” – “cutting net carbon dioxide emissions 80 percent by 2020, stabilizing population at 8 billion or lower, eradicating poverty, and restoring the earth’s natural systems”

These goals are integrated because for example, it is unlikely that we can “stabilize population unless we can also eradicate poverty. Conversely, we cannot restore the earth’s natural systems without stabilizing population and climate, and we are not likely to stabilize climate unless we also stabilize population. Nor can we eradicate poverty without restoring the earth’s natural systems.”

Boldly, Brown has put realistic dollar values on the various aspects of his programme, and has compared these costs with current military spending. The figures are particularly interesting when one considers how much of the current global military budget is really wasted putting band-aids on the problems described above.

Astonishingly, he’s explained how all this might be achieved (or well under way) by 2020! This is not futuristic, pie in the sky, utopian science fiction – everything that Brown proposes is easily possible with today’s technologies, and within today’s socio-economic world order. We’ve just got to see the big picture and do it!

Most impressively, he has done all this in a 268 page book that is so absorbing and easy to read that even a child can follow it.

In Plan B, Brown describes not only how to “save civilization” as we know it, he actually describes what we must do as a society to become “civilized”.

I cannot recommend Plan B 4.0 highly enough – read it – get your kids to read it – get your parents to read it – give it to your neighbours. What are you waiting for? It is free! Go to the […] Website and download the PDF – get the presentation and all the other stuff that goes with the book while you’re there.

18 of 21 people found the following review helpful 3.0 out of 5 stars
An almost 400 page book that should’ve been 100 pages!!, January 20, 2010 By  A. R. D. (Utah) – See all my reviews
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I think overall, there is great information with fabulous scientific studies presented here. However, I found myself getting so frustrated with whomever did the editing for this work, as I often felt like he was running circles around any particular subject!! Just when I thought I was heading into some solutions, he revisits the problems, OVER AND OVER AND OVER again!!! I wanted to scream!!
So, three stars from me…good information and written so it’s not over the head of the everyday consumer, but freaking drove me batty with the redundancy of it all.
Last modified on Thursday, 22 September 2016 17:04

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