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SETI Scientist: Aliens Are Likely Robotic Life-Forms

SETI senior astronomer Seth Shostak says we should expand our search for extraterrestrial life to include sentient alien machines. According to Shostak, if we can develop artificial intelligence within a couple 100 years of inventing radio, any aliens we are likely to hear from have likely gone past that point.

The Smoke Detector Principle; or, Why Freaking Out about a Muslim Registry is Good for Democracy

The popular phrase “where there’s smoke there’s fire” is a lie. Lots of things cause smoke without fire. Smoke bombs, for example. And barbecue, which is so integral to a happy life that no reasonable person could imagine the world without it. Anyone who claims that fire always accompanies smoke is a barbecue denier.

Fake News Feeds the Political Divide

The responses to the election results have been all but calm with anti-Trump protests breaking out all across the country. Social media platforms like Facebook are plagued with harsh commentary from individuals and organizations on both sides of the election. Half of America is celebrating, while the other half is in crippling denial.
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