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Sea Levels Are on the Rise, and It’s Not Looking Good

The rate at which ice is melting at the most vulnerable spots on Earth is a cause for concern. This melting coupled with warmer waters is putting coastal areas in danger of increased incidents of flooding, and that flooding being more dangerous. By 2030, in extreme scenarios, the coastal U.S. could see flooding increase 25-fold.

Half of the World’s Energy Must Come From Renewables by 2060

A new study concluded that half of the world's energy must come from renewable sources by 2060 to meet the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to a maximum of 2°C. This goal is ambitious but achievable if the world commits to a large-scale transfer of technology and capital from the developed to the developing world.

Bill Nye Talks Climate Change Denial and the Future of American Energy

In an interview with Scientific American, Bill Nye shared his perspective on the current national divide between the scientific community and many of the nation's citizens. Nye is hopeful about the future, and says he believes that the divide is closing and that innovation will act as a bridge between skeptics and believers.
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