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Love Knowledge

Love Knowledge

Physics and Philosophy

“There is no more eloquent, interesting or persuasive exposition of what may be called science of philosophy than Sir James Jeans’s.” — The New York Times Can we have any knowledge of the world outside us other than we gain by the methods of science? Are we humans endowed with free will, or are we mere cogs in a vast machine that must follow its predestined course until it finally runs down? Is the world we perceive the world of ultimate reality, or is it only a curtain veiling a deeper reality beyond?

Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution

The integral worldview represents the next crucial step in the development of our civilization. Through its enlarged understanding of the evolution of consciousness and culture, the emerging perspective known as integral consciousness provides realistic and pragmatic solutions to our growing global problems, both environmental and political. As McIntosh convincingly demonstrates, the integral worldview’s transformational potential provides

The Question of Reality

When we read that scientists have come close to pinpointing the “origin of the universe” by means of a Big Bang cosmology, or are engaged in formulating a “theory of everything,” as in current ten-dimensional superstring theories of particle physics, can we doubt that such inquiries or their results inevitably raise important philosophical questions? In the present book, as well as in his previous work Cosmic Understanding, the renowned
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