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Love Knowledge

Discrete Stochastic Processes

Discrete stochastic processes are essentially probabilistic systems that evolve in time via random changes occurring at discrete fixed or random intervals. This course aims to help students acquire both the mathematical principles and the intuition necessary to create, analyze, and understand insightful models for a broad range of these processes. The range of areas for which discrete stochastic-process models are useful is constantly expanding, and includes many applications in engineering, physics, biology, operations research and finance.

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry is a one-semester college course on the principles of chemistry. This unique and popular course satisfies MIT's general chemistry degree requirement, with an emphasis on solid-state materials and their application to engineering systems. You'll begin with an exploration of the fundamental relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and atomic order, then proceed to the chemical properties of "aggregates of molecules," including crystals, metals, glasses, semiconductors, solutions and acid-base equilibria, polymers, and biomaterials. Real-world examples are drawn from industrial practice (e.g. semiconductor manufacturing), energy generation and storage (e.g. automobile engines, lithium batteries), emerging technologies (e.g. photonic and biomedical devices), and the environmental impact of chemical processing (e.g. recycling glass, metal, and plastic).

Engineering Statics

Statics is the study of methods for quantifying the forces between bodies. Forces are responsible for maintaining balance and causing motion of bodies, or changes in their shape. You encounter a great number and variety of examples of forces every day, such as when you press a button, turn a doorknob, or run your hands through your hair. Motion and changes in shape are critical to the functionality of man-made objects as well as objects the nature. This course uses algebra and trigonometry and is suitable for use with either calculus- or non-calculus-based academic statics courses. Completion of a beginning physics course is helpful for success in statics, but not required. Many key physics concepts are included in this course.
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